Solution for 
healthcare practitioners

Improve diagnostics and develop new therapeutic strategies using AI

Histopathology plays a fundamental role in the diagnosis of cancerous pathologies. Thanks to its artificial intelligence tool, our software automates the analysis of the hundreds of thousands of cells contained in each microscope slide to accelerate cancer screening, improve diagnostic precision and to develop personalised therapeutic strategies.

AI models for fast and reliable cancer screening

Our software relies on artificial intelligence algorithms to facilitate and accelerate the detection of cancerous cells in patient specimens and thus concentrate on zones of interest. It allows the automation of the analysis of the very large quantity of information contained by a slide and to facilitate the clinical interpretation.

A clinical decision support tool based on artificial intelligence

Designed for pathologists and laboratories specialising in pathologic cytology, our software makes it possible to rapidly conduct precise and objective quantification of very high resolution digital slides (over 20 GB).
Time saving
Automatic analysis 
of thousands of data 
contained in slides

Diagnostic precision
Acceleration of the identification
of cancerous cells and 
zones of interest

Artificial intelligence
Rapid diagnosis, prognosis 
and predictions for cancerous
Simple and dynamic interface
An easy-to-learn
and easy-to-use 
analysis tool
Clinical decision support
AI models for an 
instantaneous second opinion
Personalised therapy
Personalised therapeutic 
strategies thanks to the 
high precision analysis

Ask for a demo

Summary of features

  • Loading and visualisation of microscope images
  • Choice of the type of research to conduct
  • Configuration of segmentation filters and quantification models
  • Creation, adjustment and improvement of your very own artificial intelligence models
  • Saving of all your analysis results
Integrated AI technologies
Integrated AI 
compatible with all microscope modalities
compatible with
all microscope
Analyze all image sizes (>20GB)
Analyze allimage sizes
2D & 3D +time image analysis
2D & 3D 
+time image
fast and precise
On-demand development
Adaptative  user-friendly interface
Technical guidance and follow-up
guidance and
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