Solution for 
research laboratories

Automatic microscope image analysis using AI

The study of the composition and microscopic structure of tissue and cells is the key to advancing biologic, medical and pharmaceutical research. Conceived by a team of biologists and image analysis experts, our software takes advantage of artificial intelligence technology to automate the analysis and characterisation of microscope images.

AI models to accelerate microscope image analysis

The value of microscope images lies in the information that they contain. Our biologic and cellular image analysis software integrates artificial intelligence algorithms to assist research laboratories in the automation of the analysis and characterisation of the very large quantity of information contained within a slide.

One tool to analyse all types of microscope images

Designed for researchers in pathology and histopathology, our software makes it possible to rapidly conduct precise and objective quantification of very high resolution digital slides (over 20 GB).
microscope image software 6
Analysis of all formats
Analyse all microscope
 image formats: 2D, 
3D, video.
microscope image software 6
Analysis of images 
from all microscopes
Fluorescence, whitefield, 
phase contrast, light sheet, ...
Simple and dynamic interface
An easy-to-learn 
and easy-to-use
analysis tool.
Artificial intelligence
Creation, adjustment and
improvement of your very
own artificial intelligence models
Time saving
Analysis of image stacks
and visualisation of the results
in a matter of minutes.
Augmented research
Acceleration of studies 
and improvement of publication
Ask for a demo

Summary of features

  • Loading of all the biological images to be analysed
  • Choice of the type of research to conduct and what should be quantified
  • Configuration and continuous improvement of segmentation filters and quantification models
  • Choice of graphical representations of the results of the analysis (diagram, histogram, etc.)
  • Possibility to simultaneously work of numerous studies
  • Statistics on the biologic data analysed
  • Archiving of collected data
biologic and cellular image analysis software
Integrated AI technologies
Integrated AI 
compatible with all microscope modalities
compatible with
all microscope
Analyze all image sizes (>20GB)
Analyze allimage sizes
2D & 3D +time image analysis
2D & 3D 
+time image
fast and precise
On-demand development
Adaptative  user-friendly interface
Technical guidance and follow-up
guidance and
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